summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/fleet/pkgs/naut/src
diff options
authorV <>2021-08-19 22:10:03 +0200
committerV <>2021-08-21 07:06:30 +0200
commitec4ff9199b75926fc0bed56f027035446ae7d021 (patch)
treebfb0982d010828cc2631a195ec16b8e08f261739 /fleet/pkgs/naut/src
parent7072571a0ee7ea217564ea0788d611d5c8eeadbc (diff)
fleet/pkgs/naut: a little commit notification bot
After a couple of days wrangling Rust's async ecosystem, we now have
an IRC bot that will announce new commits. This should hopefully give
people a better view into what we're working on!

Change-Id: Ie7b3be62afca3ad2a10cb04c15ff666c62408fa2
Diffstat (limited to 'fleet/pkgs/naut/src')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fleet/pkgs/naut/src/ b/fleet/pkgs/naut/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2349330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fleet/pkgs/naut/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: V <>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: OSL-3.0
+use {
+	anyhow::{anyhow, Error, Result},
+	git2::{Oid, Repository, Sort},
+	irc::client::prelude::*,
+	pin_utils::pin_mut,
+	std::{
+		collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
+		env,
+		fs::{remove_file, File},
+		io::{ErrorKind, Read},
+		path::Path,
+	},
+	tokio::{
+		io::{AsyncBufRead, AsyncBufReadExt, BufReader, Lines},
+		net::UnixListener,
+		select, spawn,
+		sync::{mpsc, mpsc::UnboundedSender},
+	},
+	tokio_stream::{wrappers::UnboundedReceiverStream, StreamExt},
+struct Batch {
+	repository: String,
+	lines: Vec<String>,
+async fn main() -> Result<()> {
+	let repo_by_channel = {
+		let mut buf = vec![];
+		File::open(env::var("NAUT_CONFIG")?)?.read_to_end(&mut buf)?;
+		let tmp: HashMap<String, Vec<String>> = toml::from_slice(&buf)?;
+		if tmp.is_empty() {
+			return Err(anyhow!("No channels configured!"));
+		}
+		tmp
+	};
+	let channels: Vec<String> = repo_by_channel
+		.keys()
+		.clone()
+		.map(ToOwned::to_owned)
+		.collect();
+	// Invert the config, so we have a map of repositories to channel names
+	let channel_by_repo = {
+		let mut tmp = HashMap::new();
+		for (channel, repos) in repo_by_channel {
+			for repo in repos {
+				tmp.entry(repo)
+					.or_insert_with(Vec::new)
+					.push(channel.to_string());
+			}
+		}
+		tmp
+	};
+	let repositories: HashSet<_> = channel_by_repo
+		.keys()
+		.clone()
+		.map(ToOwned::to_owned)
+		.collect();
+	let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel::<Batch>();
+	let listener = bind(env::var("NAUT_SOCK")?.as_str())?;
+	spawn(async move {
+		loop {
+			let (stream, _) = listener.accept().await.unwrap();
+			let tx = tx.clone();
+			let repositories = repositories.clone();
+			let conn = async move {
+				let mut lines = BufReader::new(stream).lines();
+				let path = lines.next_line().await?.unwrap();
+				let repo_name = Path::new(&path).file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
+				if !repositories.contains(repo_name) {
+					return Err(anyhow!(
+						"Received a request for an unmanaged repository: {}",
+						repo_name
+					));
+				}
+				let repo = Repository::open(&path)?;
+				handle(repo, repo_name, lines, tx).await?;
+				Ok::<(), Error>(())
+			};
+			spawn(async move {
+				if let Err(e) = conn.await {
+					eprintln!("Failed to handle request: {}", e);
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	});
+	let client_config = Config {
+		server: Some("".to_owned()),
+		password: Some(env::var("NAUT_PASS")?),
+		nickname: Some("naut".to_owned()),
+		realname: Some("blub blub".to_owned()),
+		version: Some(format!("naut {}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"))),
+		source: Some("".to_owned()),
+		channels,
+		..Default::default()
+	};
+	let rx = UnboundedReceiverStream::new(rx).fuse();
+	pin_mut!(rx);
+	loop {
+		let mut client = Client::from_config(client_config.clone()).await?;
+		client.identify()?;
+		let sender = client.sender();
+		let stream =;
+		pin_mut!(stream);
+		loop {
+			select! {
+				message = => match message {
+					Some(_) => {},
+					None => break,
+				},
+				Some(batch) = => {
+					let channels = channel_by_repo.get(&batch.repository).unwrap();
+					for line in batch.lines {
+						for channel in channels {
+							sender.send_privmsg(channel.to_owned(), line.to_owned())?;
+						}
+					}
+				},
+			}
+		}
+	}
+fn bind(path: &str) -> Result<UnixListener> {
+	match remove_file(path) {
+		Ok(()) => (),
+		Err(e) if e.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound => (),
+		Err(e) => return Err(e.into()),
+	}
+	UnixListener::bind(path).map_err(Error::from)
+async fn handle(
+	repo: Repository,
+	repo_name: &str,
+	mut lines: Lines<impl AsyncBufRead + Unpin>,
+	tx: UnboundedSender<Batch>,
+) -> Result<()> {
+	while let Some(line) = lines.next_line().await? {
+		let args: Vec<_> = line.splitn(3, ' ').collect();
+		let old = Oid::from_str(args[0])?;
+		let new = Oid::from_str(args[1])?;
+		let r#ref = repo.find_reference(args[2])?;
+		let ref_name = r#ref.shorthand().unwrap();
+		let mut lines = vec![];
+		if r#ref.is_branch() {
+			if new.is_zero() {
+				lines.push(format!(
+					"[{}] branch {} deleted (was {})",
+					repo_name, ref_name, old
+				));
+			} else {
+				let mut walker = repo.revwalk()?;
+				walker.set_sorting(Sort::REVERSE)?;
+				walker.push(new)?;
+				if old.is_zero() {
+					lines.push(format!("[{}] new branch created: {}", repo_name, ref_name));
+					// We cannot use repo.head directly, as that comes resolved already.
+					let head = repo.find_reference("HEAD")?;
+					// Hide commits also present from HEAD (unless this *is* HEAD, in which we do want them).
+					// This avoids duplicating notifications for commits that we've already seen, provided we
+					// only push branches that are forked directly from HEAD (or one of its ancestors).
+					if ref_name != head.symbolic_target().unwrap() {
+						if let Ok(base) = repo.merge_base(head.resolve()?.target().unwrap(), new) {
+							walker.hide(base)?;
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					walker.hide(old)?;
+				}
+				let commits: Vec<_> = walker
+					.map(|x| repo.find_commit(x.unwrap()).unwrap())
+					.collect();
+				lines.push(format!(
+					"[{}] {} commits pushed to {}",
+					repo_name,
+					commits.len(),
+					ref_name
+				));
+				for commit in commits {
+					lines.push(format!(
+						"  {} \"{}\" by {}",
+						commit.as_object().short_id()?.as_str().unwrap(),
+						commit.summary().unwrap(),
+					));
+				}
+			}
+		} else if r#ref.is_tag() {
+			if new.is_zero() {
+				lines.push(format!(
+					"[{}] tag {} deleted (was {})",
+					repo_name, ref_name, old
+				))
+			} else if old.is_zero() {
+				lines.push(format!(
+					"[{}] commit {} tagged as {}",
+					repo_name, new, ref_name
+				))
+			} else {
+				lines.push(format!(
+					"[{}] tag {} modified (was {}, now {})",
+					repo_name, ref_name, old, new
+				))
+			}
+		} else {
+			return Err(anyhow!(
+				"Received a reference that's neither a branch nor tag: {}",
+				args[2]
+			));
+		}
+		tx.send(Batch {
+			repository: repo_name.to_owned(),
+			lines,
+		})?;
+	}
+	Ok(())